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For the past thirty one years, Schools, Congregations and Hillels throughout the United States, Canada and Australia have assisted the well-known organization, Od Yosef Chai, in a pre-Purim campaign to raise funds which are distributed to the poor in Jerusalem on Purim day.


As you know, one of the requirements of the holiday of Purim is "Matanot L'evyonim"  (gifts for the poor) whereby we are to give monetary gifts to at least two poor people.  


Many of us are not personally acquainted with people in dire need to whom we can give these gifts on Purim day; however, we now have the opportunity to fulfill this mitzvah by supporting this endeavor.

 Od Yosef Chai is committed to helping the poor in a manner that does not compromise the recipient's dignity and self-respect.  Much thought and effort is given to the achievement of this goal.


Through exercising our responsibility toward those who are less fortunate, we can make the world a better place for us all.


Please lend this project your full support and send in your generous donation to Od Yosef Chai's Matanos L'Evyonim Campaign.  

You will have fulfilled one of the great mitzvoth of the day of Purim and brightened the lives of the many poor in our Holy Land.



 In merit of bringing joy & relief to the poor, may Hashem bless you & your family with immense joy and abundant blessings!

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Donate online or call in your pledge at 24/hour hotline

1800-823- CHAI (2424)     or    845-426-3130

until PURIM 6:30 PM

Have a Happy Purim!

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